Dorkly's Pokemon Rusty Wiki

The female Team Rocket member is one of the first members of Team Rocket to appear in the series.


She wears a standard Team Rocket uniform. She has brown eyes and has light red hair.


At some point, she joined the ranks of Team Rocket and was assigned to a cave claimed by Team Rocket.

After Rusty is captured, she's the one who warns him that he's on Team Rocket's Turf.

She is shocked and horrified by Burbasaur and Bidoofs 1-16, calling Rusty a dumb monster for his gross mistreatment of Pokémon. She orders her partner to steal "Pikachu" before they leave. The Kakuna evolves "out of pure happiness" at being taken away from Rusty, and she comforts him and suggesting they burn down a hospital.
